KS1 Woodwind Party!

Children from Year 1 and 2 were treated to some live music from Dudley Performing Arts (DPA).
The children got to meet different members of the woodwind family of instruments, ranging in size from the small piccolo to the huge bass clarinet!
The children heard the instruments play different pieces of music, ranging from 'Postman Pat' to 'A Million Dreams' from The Greatest Showman.
They also did some activities based on key musical vocabulary, such as loud/quiet sounds, quick and slow tempos, pulse and we even sang a song in a round!
It was fantastic hearing the different sounds the instruments made and seeing what they looked like!  
A big thank you to DPA for providing this opportunity for our children.
Remember, children can sign up for lessons on different instruments, including clarinets and recorders, with DPA next year (either individually or in small groups).  Get in touch with Mr Charlton or school office if you'd like more information on these opportunities.
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