Parent-Teacher Consultation Meetings (Spring 2023)
Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd March 2023, 4.00 – 7.00pm
Dear Parents and Carers,
Parents will have the chance to see their child’s work and to meet with the teacher for a 5 minute appointment. The purpose of this appointment is to discuss how your child has progressed and their targets for this year. Parents are asked to keep to this time limit. If a longer discussion is necessary a further meeting may need to be arranged.
Format of evening:
- Meetings with teachers will take place in children’s own classrooms and you will have the opportunity to see your child’s work at this time.
- Children may also be present at these meetings if parents wish them to be so they are aware of the teachers’ comments on their work and effort and to agree targets. Please arrive a few minutes before your appointment time; we will do our best to keep to appointments!