Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

We believe that all children should have equal access to a broad and balanced education and be provided with opportunities which will encourage them to develop to their full potential.  All staff are involved in the early identification of children who are experiencing particular difficulties and a register of such children is maintained by the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO).  Individual or group support or additional resources and strategies are available for identified children and specialist advice from outside agencies is sought if required.

The school has high aspirations and standards set for all pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) and strives to create a positive ethos of pupils overcoming their barriers to learning. The school endeavours to ensure SEND pupils make good progress throughout each year of their schooling. Pupils with Special Educational Needs will be offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including an appropriate curriculum for the Foundation Stage/ the National Curriculum. We target not only academic excellence for our SEND pupils, but we aim for SEND pupils to achieve success through other activities such as sports, performance arts, and computer science. We want all children to enjoy and fully participate in the life of the school, and make a positive contribution to the school community. Furthermore, we want to foster pupils' independence and help them grow into responsible, resilient, resourceful, and reflective people.

The school follows the statutory requirements set out in the 2014 SEND Code of Practice.

Dudley SEND Local Offer
The school follows the Dudley's Local Offer. The Dudley Offer is designed to be a one-step resource of information and services available to children and young people with SEND, their parents, carers and families. To find out more visit the Dudley Local Authority Offer.
Roberts Primary School SEND Offer
Our school SEND Offer shows what we can offer at the different stages of the graduated approach for all four categories of needs. The provision outlined on this offer is not meant as an exhausted list of provision we are able to employ, but instead provides the main strategies the school utilises.

Parents are encouraged to discuss any worries regarding their child's progress with the child's teacher and are kept informed of any special help that is being offered.  You are also encouraged to support any programmes of work followed by your child and to contribute to any reviews about his or her progress.  A full copy of our Special Needs Policy is available in school.

Mr Jake Stone is the school's SEND Coordinator. He can be contacted on 01384 818275 or via email at

Pupils with Disabilities

The school endeavours to ensure that pupils with disabilities receive appropriate support and access to the school curriculum and are enabled to play an active part in the life of the school.  This is provided by classroom and learning support assistants and by specialist support staff for pupils with sensory or physical needs and learning difficulties. 

Disabled toilet facilities are available.  A lift is available to enable access to the upstairs.   Additional services (e.g. physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy) may also be arranged.  A significant proportion of disabled pupils will have an Educational Health and Care Plan.

Children with Speech and Language difficulties are supported by our specialist speech and language support therapist


  • SEND pupils have the right to expect that their needs will be identified on entry or at the earliest opportunity and addressed sensitively, professionally and effectively.
  • The curriculum of the school should ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to progress and achieve success.
  • All pupils should have equal access to a broad and balanced education and lessons and activities should be differentiated to ensure the interests and abilities of all pupils are addressed.

For full school Special Educational Needs and Disability Information click on this link.

For further information about SEND within Dudley please click on this Dudley Local Offer link.

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