

Roberts Primary School

Designated Safeguarding Leads


Mr Carl Watkins


Designated Lead for Looked After Children

Prevent: Single Point of Contact Lead (SPOC)


Mr Ken Hughes

Deputy Headteacher


Mrs Melanie Patrick

Pastoral Lead


Miss Rebecca Beddoes

Deputy Headteacher

Miss Caroline Gregory

Assistant Headteacher - EYFS

Miss Sarah Burns

Brightsparks Manager


Mr Allan Gillhooley

Governor for Child Protection

If you wish to review Dudley’s Safeguarding process, this can be viewed by clicking the Dudley Safeguarding People Parnership image


Safeguarding for Pupils and Parents

Our safeguarding policies are continually under review and we follow all guidance from Dudley Safeguarding Board.

We have a statutory duty to ‘safeguard and promote the welfare of children’. If you have any concerns about the health and safety of a child at this school or feel that something may be troubling them, you should share this information with an appropriate member of staff straight away. Do not worry if you may be reporting matters which seem small – we would rather you tell us something which does turn out to be minor, than miss a worrying situation.

During term time, the Designated Safeguarding Leaders and/or deputies will be available during school hours for staff to discuss any safeguarding concerns.

Designated Safeguarding Leaders: 

Mr C Watkins (Headteacher)

Deputy Safeguarding Leaders:        

Mr K Hughes (Deputy Headteacher)

Mrs M Patrick (Pastoral Lead)

Miss R Beddoes (Deputy Headteacher)

Miss Caroline Gregory (Assistant Headteacher - EYFS)

Miss Sarah Burns (Brightsparks Manager)

Governor for Safeguarding:               

Mr A Gillhooley

Chair of Governors:

Mrs S Smith

All can be contacted via the school by

Telephone: 01388 818275



If you are concerned about a child or young person

Safeguarding is about us working together to make sure that children, young people and adults are safe and protected, free from harm, abuse or neglect. Adults should also be free to make their own choices. If you are concerned about a child or young person please call the Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership on the telephone numbers below.

  • During office hours call the children's services service on 0300 555 0050 selecting option 4 (9:00am - 5:00pm Mon-Fri).
  • Out of office hours contact the Emergency Duty Team on 0300 555 8574.
  • In an emergency call 999.

If you contact Dudley Safeguarding you will speak to a professional who will listen to your concerns. They may take a few details and might need to contact you again but your concern will be dealt with quickly and appropriately.

You do not need to provide your name or give contact details if you do not wish to do so. Anonymous calls will not be ignored.

Alternatively you can contact the NSPCC on 0800 800 5000 or email  them by visiting their website.


If you wish to review Dudley’s Safeguarding process, please click here.

Online Safety

Online Safety Activities:

Jack Changes the Game

CEOP have released a new learning activity and picture book for 5 to 8 year olds about online friends and how online friends are not always as they seem.

Find the Fake

Internet Matters have a great little quiz for parents and their children to test their knowledge around areas such as fake news, disinformation, misinformation, and how to stop it from spreading.

Internet Matters Resources (by age)

Internet Matters are continually bringing out new, updated resources for schools and for parents. They have recently put together useful pages which contain a parent pack, common online safety issues, top apps and platforms and a few resources, all split by age to make things easier. You can find a link to each page below:

Early Years - click HERE.
Primary - click HERE.

Jessie and Friends (4 to 7 year olds)

CEOP have released their brand new website, Jessie and Friends for children aged 4-7, their parents and carers, which aims to equip them with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to stay safer online. The website is interactive and helps children recognise worrying, upsetting or scary situations to reinforce the message to 'tell a grown up'.

Childline Under 12's Website

Childline also have a website with age appropriate advice for primary school children on topics such as bullying.  It also has games and other interactive tools.

Talking PANTS with your children

Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep your child safe from sexual abuse. From P through to S, each letter of PANTS provides a simple but valuable rule that can help keep your child safe.

Virgin Media O2 Children's Online Safety Test

When it comes to educating your kids about the internet, you might feel out of your depth, when they're learning, playing and chatting to friends on websites and apps you're unfamiliar with.

Virgin Media O2, have created a children's internet safety test to help build awareness for parents and children of all ages to ensure they are better protected online.

Cyber Sprinters

Cyber Sprinters is a set of activities and puzzles from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) for primary aged (KS2) children. There are lots of really useful activities such as learning about passwords, keeping personal information safe, suspicious messages and much more.

There is also a Cyber Sprinters game which children can play.

Lego Build and Talk

Lego have released a new, free online safety resource for parents and their children. Called Build and Talk it's a question and answer story game to allow parents to talk to their child about digital safety and wellbeing.


CEOP have released activity packs for all age ranges, this time focussing on the activity of online gaming. Links to the various packs are:

  • 4-5 year olds HERE
  • 5-7 year olds HERE
  • 8-10 year olds HERE
  • 11-13 year olds HERE

What Would You Do?

Online Safety Books for Children:


Online Safety Guides



Thinkuknow: keeping your child safe online

There are ways to keep them safe, healthy and happy. See the links above for six top tips to keep primary kids safe online during school closure.

Thinkuknow have also created a page to support parents and young people online. The site includes home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities support children's understanding of online safety at a time. There is also parent support information for primary and secondary age groups. The resources can be found here.

Online Gaming - The Basics

This online gaming advice for parents explores what online gaming is and how to help your child develop good online gaming habits to ensure they get the most out of their experience.

8 Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe Online 

Net Aware have produced some tips for keeping children safe when online

UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) - Top Tips for 3-11 Year Olds

The UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) have put together some simple, useful tips for parents to strike up conversations with children aged 3-11.

Epic Games Store Parental Controls

Epic is a games store and also games-playing platform where children can play games such as Fortnite, Fall Guys and Rocket League. There are a number of good parental features available for under 13's which some parents may not know about including: chatting, in-app purchasing, inappropriate content and more.

Help on Using Parental Controls and Privacy Settings

Internet Matters provides step by step guides to help set up the right controls and privacy settings on networks, gadgets, apps, and sites for a safer online experience.

Advice for Parents and Carers from Childnet

Childnet offers helpful information and guidance on a range of key online safety topics.

Common Sense

This media section of this website offers reviews and information about games, apps, TV shows and websites.

NSPCC's Speak out. Stay safe.

The NSPCC has also developed an adapted version of their assembly for parents/carers to use at home with their children.  This can be found here:  With the help of celebrities, the film focuses on how a child can get support if they have any worries or concerns.

To complement the assembly, there are some resources that can be used to enable further discussion whilst doing activities with your children.  These are hosted on the NSPCC website

You may also like to visit the NSPCC Online Safety Hub where you will find advice and information on a range of different online safety topics including gaming, social media, sharing nudes, parental controls and more.

You will also find online safety information for families of children with additional needs and disabilities here.

TikTok Guardian's Guide

TikTok have produced an overview of TikTok and the many tools and controls that are built into it to keep the TikTok community safe. You can find the TikTok Guardian's Guide here

Internet Matters - Money Hub

As more children and young people spend money online within gaming and social media platforms, the money hub has been created to equip children with the skills they need to spend money online smartly and safely. 

Internet Matters Grandparent Guide

Internet Matters have also put together a fabulous guide for grandparents giving advice on a range of issues such as screen time, online gaming, managing money, peer pressure and more.

TikTok Parent Guide

OpenView Education have put together a really useful TikTok guide for parents.

Google and Parent Zone's digital drop-in

Delivered on YouTube and led by Parent Zone's experienced team, these sessions take a 360° look at a specific online safety topic.

Safer In-Game Chat

Have a look at the CEOP video that explains what in-game chat is, which can be useful opening up conversations with children and young people.

Be Internet Legends

Be Internet Legends Parent's Page - a helpful handbook full of tips and tricks for supporting your child's digital education.

XBox Gaming Safety Toolkit

Microsoft have put together quite a comprehensive toolkit for parents, children and young people that goes into quite a lot of depth, including parental controls, guidance for all ages, common safety risks, bullying, unwanted contact and more.

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