Reception - Pirate Day

Reception have enjoyed their pirate topic recently. A part of this was a fun packed day that involved a treasure hunt, walking the plank, making and racing pirate ships, painting pirate posters to get people to join our crew, as well as making eye patches, pirate hats and a hook for their hand.

Reception enjoyed reading a book called, ‘Sammy, the Seasick Pirate’.

The children particularly enjoyed all the pirate themed activities and had a pirate day where they all dressed up as pirates.

There were lots of fun activities for the children to take part in throughout the day.

Quotes about Pirate day:
"I liked dressing up like a pirate. I liked looking at the map to find the treasure."
"I loved finding the treasure. I liked blowing the boats."
"I dressed up as a pirate. I had a lovely day."
"I was a pirate. I had a hook and a hat."
"I dressed up as a pirate. I like wearing a hat and I had a massive sword."
"I loved doing the boat race, it was fun. I won a sweet."
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