School Uniform

The school has a uniform of which we are very proud and which we expect all children to wear.  Details are given below:

Please mark all clothes and PE kit with your child's name.

Winter Uniform

Red Sweatshirt/Cardigan

Yellow polo shirt

Red fleece (for outdoors wear only)

Light grey trousers

Light grey knee length skirt/pinafore dress

Black shoes/ankle boots  with low heel

Plain white, red or grey socks/tights

Summer Uniform

Yellow and white small check gingham dress (no variation)

Red and white small check gingham dress (no variation)

Red Sweatshirt/Cardigan

Red fleece (for outdoors wear only)

Yellow polo shirt

Light grey trousers or shorts

Light grey knee length skirt/pinafore dress

Red Baseball Cap

Black shoes with low heel

Plain white, red or grey socks

PE kit

Yellow T-shirt

Red shorts

Black plimsolls

Trainers are not allowed for indoor PE

Winter kit

Plain black tracksuit bottoms or jogging trousers (no logos)

Trainers are not allowed for indoor PE.


Children should only need to bring a lunchbox and reading book to school. 

Swimming Kit

Children can either wear swimming trunks or standard swimming shorts designed specifically for swimming or a one piece swimming costume. Goggles should only be worn in exceptional circumstances.


The wearing of jewellery, except watches, is not allowed for reasons of safety, security and hygiene. Children may not wear make-up (including nail varnish).

Children whose ears have been pierced should wear one set of studs which must be removed for games, PE and swimming.

Other body piercing is strictly prohibited

Further information can be found in our Uniform Policy.

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